Brenda Tetreault “Tempted”.

I first came across Brenda Tetreault when she “liked” the eBook Sharing page on Facebook. I was then lucky enough to win a copy of “Tempted: A Nightshade Novel (The Nightshade Series)” in a competition that Brenda hosted. After reading the book, and reviewing it, I was curious about some things so I contacted Brenda and asked if she minded answering some questions to which she agreed 😀

Tempted: A Nightshade Novel (The Nightshade Series)” was a fantastic book and I’m looking forward to the next instalment. What set you on the path to becoming an author?
Thank you! I’m so glad to know you enjoyed it! As for how I began as an author, I have always had stories to tell. From the time I was a fourth grader, and had to write a short story for class, all the way until now, there’s always been this drive, this NEED to tell stories. It just seemed natural that I would become an author.

You have a range of different paranormal species in the book, which species is your favourite and why? Also, was researching these species easy or did you struggle with it?
Researching the different paranormal and supernatural creatures that people my stories has never been a chore; I’ve always been fascinated by stories of sprites, pixies, fairies, etc. As a matter of fact, I try to get a book of local legends and ghost stories everywhere I travel, and I’ve been known to use elements of those legends in my writing. As for which creature is my favorite? That’s a difficult question to answer, but if pressed, I’d have to say ALL OF THEM! Sorry, I can’t pick just one! As for why, well, that’s easy: because of the magic each creature holds within itself to add a bit of wonder to this world.

Sabrina is full of self doubt, but she’s by no means a weak woman. Was her character easy to develop or did she run you ragged trying to make her grow into the “Goddess” she becomes?
Sabrina was easy to write, because she’s me and every woman ever born. We all have our insecurities but deep inside, we are all strong. It just takes the right person to see us as we are, and not an idealized version of ourselves.

All the male characters, even the secondary ones, are well built and strong willed. Their only weakness is the females they fall for. Was this intentional?
I wouldn’t say the women they fall for are their weakness- more that the women they fall for bring out the sensitive, gentle side of their natures, and as a result, the women end up with the power. And yeah, it was intentional.

How long did “Tempted: A Nightshade Novel (The Nightshade Series)” take before you were satisfied with the finished product and did you have a lot of support around you to keep you grounded whilst you worked?
Tempted was about 6 months in the making before I was satisfied that I had a quality story to offer my readers. As for support, well, I couldn’t write these stories without my husband, Mark. He’s my rock, my support, my photographer, cover artist, web designer, and PR Guy all rolled into one amazing, loving, and understanding man! My friend, Jess, offers a lot of feedback, support, and encouragement, as well, and we’ve become regulars at a local coffee shop where we meet rather regularly to brain storm and plot. My mom, dad, and brother offer encouragement and have been known to ‘pimp’ me out to their friends. So yeah, the support system I have in place is pretty awesome!

I loved all your character names, where did you get them from? They all sound exotic and mysterious!
LOL I actually get my character’s names from friends, family, and the customers I see on a regular basis at work. When I find one that tickles my fancy, I jot it down and add it to the ever growing list. I also look to history. For example: We met Boone Masterson, Caine’s youngest brother, in Tempted. His name is a combination of Daniel Boone and Bat Masterson, which are historical figures from the time that Boone grew up in.

Finally, how many more books will be in this series? Or have you gotten that far with the characters and their stories yet?
At the moment, I’m anticipating 6-8 full length novels, and several novellas. Caine, Boone, Gideon, and Malcolm, and their little sister, Ariel are getting books, as are a couple side characters that we haven’t met yet. I’m currently writing a novella that features Caius, the sexy bad boy from Tempted, and have at least two more planned for the future.

Excellent!! That’s really interesting about Boone’s name too. Good luck with the future novels and novellas, I’m looking forward to reading them all.

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