Book Review: ‘Love For Dessert’ by Kate Goldman

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With ‘Love For Dessert’ for a title, I was looking forward to a sweet romance story. Unfortunately, I was left feeling disappointed.

‘Love For Dessert’ tells the story of Anastasia who gets dumped by her boyfriend and faces an unexpected demotion in her job. Throwing caution to the wind, she decides to follow her dreams and open her own bakery.

Right from the start ‘Love For Dessert’ just did not flow so well for me. By that I mean it felt stilted, almost as if it had been translated from one language to another. I couldn’t connect with Ana’s character as she didn’t feel properly developed. I could somewhat understand some of her decisions and emotions, but it just wasn’t enough for me to actually feel anything for her.

From the blurb it’s obvious that Ana gets dumped but after reading this point early in the book, I ended up confused. The blurb states, and I quote, ” he breaks her heart by leaving her for another woman two weeks before their anniversary.” Nowhere in the book does it say she gets dumped for another woman. This is just an example of what the story is like.

Action: Considering the backline is about a drug kingpin, I expected a lot of action with this part of the book. There was next to none. This could have brought some excitement to the book, instead it fell totally flat.

Love: Didn’t feel it. I just didn’t feel much of a connection between Ana and Darren. It all seemed rushed. The author seemed to focus more on Ana and her bakery more than the romance between Ana and Darren.

Would I recommend this book to anyone? Not unless the author went back and reworked it. Sorry, I hate to put a downer on an author’s buzz of getting a book written and published, but I seriously think Kate Goldman needs to sit back down and develop and expand this story a lot more. It has so much potential to be so much better.

D’eBook’s rating: It’s not very often I rate a book lower than three Shamrocks, but I’m afraid that this is gonna be one of those times. 2 Shamrocks for ‘Love For Dessert’ as I genuinely feel I can’t rate it more than that.

2 Shamrock Review

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